Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Forgot to Forget...

"Forgive but don't you ever forget!" How many of you were taught that lesson? *raises my own hand*

Men, you can ease drop on this one. This is for the ladies: After reading this, take time to think about what was said...

WOMEN do not forget ANYTHING! We can forgive but we will always remember. We are emotional creatures and that is a part of our makeup!  We are taught to forgive someone but not forget what they did .

I was content with that way of thinking, to forgive but never forget because that is what I was taught to do.Well, I realized that I was so WRONG! I was reading Hebrews 10 and at verse 17 it says "Then He adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." This thought process came to me: If God Himself forgets what we do when we ask for forgiveness, why can't I forget what people do to me? Why is it necessary to hold on to the memory? Here's the answer: Women do not forget because women have a hard time TRUSTING!!!! When you know the source of a problem (the root) you have the power to change it. So to anyone who is practicing "Forgive, but never forget," Congratulations. You now know that you have a problem trusting people. FIX IT!

I am COMMITTED to changing that behavior. You should, also. I remember watching Gerald and Tammi Haddon discuss marriage on YouTube (the link is below). Gerald said there is NO worse feeling than to argue with his wife and she brings up something that happened more than 10 years ago that she said she forgave him for. This is true in any relationship, not just marriage. It is a HORRIFIC feeling to have messed up, apologize and ask for forgiveness and then have the situation brought back up later on.

In order to have a healthy relationship, you MUST be able to trust your partner. We are humans and we mess up but with the same mercy you want your boo to show you, you must be willing to give it as well. Trust them and if they make a mistake, forgive them and LET IT GO by forgetting and NOT BRINGING IT UP AGAIN! Am I saying be foolish and stay with someone who is regularly hurting you and betraying your trust? NO! But I am saying if you have a jewel that is worth keeping, you must forgive and forget and that comes in trusting.


Watch this video of Gerald and Tammi Haddon (10 years of marriage, Woop Woop!) and listen. Start at 5 minutes and 30 seconds to see what I was referring to....

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